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A natural burial ground in North Lincolnshire
Set in four acres of peaceful Thirteen Century woodland

Kelsey Woodlands is for people of all faiths and none. Traditional or informal funerals may be carried out with or without the guidance of a funeral director. It is your choice what type of service to hold.
The burial site has not been ploughed or cultivated
Since the 13th century, the contours of the original
High Rig and Furrow, are as clear and visible today
As they were all those years ago.
Ecologically rich environment
Care has been taken, with no use of chemicals or Artificial fertilisers on our ground in recent times. Cuckoo flowers,
ground ivy, Wild Morning Glory, Mallow, with Lords and Ladies just some of a host of Wild flowers to see.
Resident Owls, Green Woodpeckers, Mistle Thrush Being some of the wild birds in residence or visiting.

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